Temperature Sensor PT100 type
Temperature Sensor- RTD PT100
Type : PT100, according to IEC 60751
Sheath O.D (mm): 6.0, 6.4, 8.0
Lead Connection : 2-wires, 3-wires, 4-wires
Numner of Element : 1(single), 2(double)
Rated Current : 1mA
Accuracy : Class A, W0.15
Measure range : -196 …. 600 ℃
Terminal connection : Terminal Head with Extended 100mm Nipple
Material : SS316, SS304 is standdard
Process connection : 1/2" NPTM standard, other on request
Stem length : 100, 150, 200 mm is standard, other on request
Ready for Head Temperature Transmitter mounting ( 4..20 mA signal)